I Love My Dad אֲנִי אוֹהֵב אֶת אַבָּא שֶׁלִּי

Shelley Admont KidKiddos Books

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Beschreibung zu „I Love My Dad אֲנִי אוֹהֵב אֶת אַבָּא שֶׁלִּי“

English Hebrew Bilingual children's book. Perfect for kids learning English or Hebrew as their second language. Fun bedtime story with important message. Jimmy the little bunny doesn't start off knowing how to ride a two-wheeler bike like his big brothers. ICroatian English Bilingual book for children. Perfect for kids learning English or Croatian as their second language. Fun bedtime story with important message. Jimmy the little bunny doesn't start off knowing how to ride a two-wheeler bike like his big brothers. In fact, sometimes he gets teased for it. When Dad shows Jimmy how not to be afraid to try something new, that's when the fun begins.


KidKiddos Books







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