The Rancher takes his Runaway Bride

A Sweet Marriage of Convenience Western Romance

Shanae Johnson

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Beschreibung zu „The Rancher takes his Runaway Bride“

Chasing his runaway bride to the altar is all this Army Ranger cares about in this modern day marriage of convenience.

After years of fact-checking and fetching coffee, reporter Lana Hunt has finally been given a chance to shine. Her exposé on the Montana ranch where soldiers are finding a gold rush of convenient brides could lead to the job of her dreams. Putting her investigative skills to the test to discover if the ranch is a cult or the stuff of fairy tales, Lana goes undercover inside a bridal boutique only to come face to face with the man she left at the altar a year ago.

Even though he was jilted by the love of his life, Mac Kenzie still loves weddings and is happy to help his friends plan theirs. But when he goes to assist the bride to be, he’s stunned to find his own runaway fiancée dressed in a wedding gown. Even more shocking, Lana is still wearing Mac’s engagement ring. Certain she still has feelings for him, he proposes a deal. He’ll help her get the scoop on the Purple Heart Ranch if she’ll help him plan his friends’ wedding.

To get the story and the promotion, Lana agrees to Mac’s conditions. But as the two of them plan a future for the bride and groom, Lana wonders if there’s a chance to revise the ending of their own story? And after years of coming in second to her career, Mac knows this is his last shot to make Lana his. But as her deadline draws closer, he can’t help but wonder if the girl who’s held his heart since he was six will choose her byline over taking his last name?






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