Queen Of Killers

A Suspenseful Mafia Romance

Shan R.K


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Beschreibung zu „Queen Of Killers“

He took everything from me, and now it's my turn and what my husband isn't expecting, is that I play on BLOOD

I was his second choice, his biggest mistake. I never wanted things to turn out the way they did, but they did. Now my choice is limited. Join him, or end him. What will I choose? The clock is ticking, my friend's life is hanging on a thread, and I, Aliyana Capello am the only who can save him. But at what cost?
I love my husband, but sometimes love is not enough, sometimes there are more important moves that need to be made. It is unfortunate that some would need to fall so I, the Queen of Killers can take my place and lead them all.
Once all is done, I will need to confess. So I am going to start by saying forgive me.
The third installment of Secrets of the Famiglia, tells all.

This is an enemy-to-lovers book, read at your own risk, no promises of a happy ending, but I guarantee you, this story will blow your mind.


Shan R.K




ca. 202





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