Does God Care about Gender Identity?

Samuel D. Ferguson

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Beschreibung zu „Does God Care about Gender Identity?“

A Biblical Vision of Gender Identity
Since the beginning of humanity, people have recognized the distinct creation of the male and female gender in God's design. But with today's gender revolution, people are increasingly questioning who they are designed to be. In our society, gender identity has been divorced from biology and rerooted in psychology. Do the core teachings of the Bible uphold these modern ideas?
In this concise booklet, Samuel Ferguson carefully and compassionately compares the core beliefs and practices of the transgender movement with fundamental truths expressed in Scripture. Ferguson argues human identity is not determined by the individual but is given to us by our Creator, who designed our bodies and minds with purpose and encourages us to live in Christlikeness—choosing the path of God-given transformation over man-made transition.

- Short, Accessible Format: A concise biblical exploration of gender identity
- TGC Hard Questions Series: Equips readers with answers to difficult questions facing the modern church
- Great Resource for Parents, Pastors, or Those Struggling with Gender Identity: Offers advice for tackling personal and corporate controversies related to sex and gender

Gelesen von:

Chris Fabry






1 Std. 8 Min.





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