God the Known and God the Unknown

Samuel Butler

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Beschreibung zu „God the Known and God the Unknown“

Samuel Butler's 'God the Known and God the Unknown' is a thought-provoking exploration of different philosophical perspectives on the concept of God. Utilizing a blend of theological discourse and critical analysis, Butler delves into the dichotomy between the familiar notions of an all-knowing deity and the enigmatic nature of a higher power beyond human comprehension. The book presents a unique narrative structure that challenges readers to reevaluate their preconceived beliefs about spirituality and the divine, making it a compelling read for those interested in philosophy and theology. Butler's engaging writing style and profound reflections on the mysteries of existence offer a captivating glimpse into the complexities of faith and reason. His ability to seamlessly integrate theological concepts with philosophical inquiry showcases his intellectual depth and keen insight into the nature of belief and skepticism. 'God the Known and God the Unknown' serves as a stimulating exploration of the fundamental questions that have perplexed humanity for centuries, making it a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the divine.


Good Press




ca. 47





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