The Memory of You (Unabridged)

Samantha Tonge

Hörbuch Romane Liebesromane

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Beschreibung zu „The Memory of You (Unabridged)“

A gorgeously uplifting story about memories, storytelling, love and friendship, about the journeys we take and the people we meet, what we remember and how there are some things we can never forget.

Alex would like to believe she's a woman who has it all. Or that's what she tells everyone, including herself. But this is far from true. Actually she's on the cusp of losing her home, her dream career as a writer is in tatters, her ex won't speak to her, and her mother's gone forever.

But then a chance meeting with a stranger named Hope gives her the opportunity of a lifetime, when Hope jokes that perhaps Alex should take over her job in a cafe while she goes travelling.

Just at that moment, it sounds like the answer to all her problems. So Alex persuades Hope to let her step into her shoes for a month. She brushes away Hope's attempts to explain about the café, instead demanding to know more about the owner Tom.

But she should have asked to know more. Because the 'Wrong Order Café' isn't like anywhere she's ever been before. And Alex's life is about to change forever...

Gelesen von:

Claire Storey


Boldwood Books




9 Std. 6 Min.





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