Vimsottari Dashas and Results for 12 Ascendant

Vedic Astrology

Saket Shah

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Beschreibung zu „Vimsottari Dashas and Results for 12 Ascendant“

This is one of my best presentation on Vimshottari Dashas for all Ascendants in Vedic Astrology. The content in this book you will not find anywhere in internet or with any astrologer in this world. I am trying my best to explain 12 Ascendant and their Nature or behavior. The purpose of writing this book is not to make money but to share this secret knowledge with entire world. In this book you will learn in depth details about the Vimshottari Dasha and their in-depth studies. I can guarantee after reading this book your opinion on astrology and the way you look at horoscope will completely change. Keep patience and read this book thoroughly and learn the method of understanding Dashas for Ascendant.
I am giving my lifetime astrology experience in this book. This is not a copy paste material. It took me lot of pain and hard work to write this knowledge. I request everyone not to copy this content and respect my hard work because my emotions are attached with this book. This book is a result of my lifetime work.
The way this book is written you will be amazed and mesmerized and dive deep into astrology. English is not My mother tongue so if I make any grammatical mistakes then please forgive me. By profession I am an IT professional, Trader, investor and an Astrologer. I did multiple roles in my life and I am trying my best to share this divine knowledge of Jyotish (Astrology) to the world.






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