Untold Secrets of Ascendant

Vedic Astrology

Saket Shah

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Beschreibung zu „Untold Secrets of Ascendant“

We always think why certain combination or planets give good results in one horoscope and bad result in another horoscope. So, the secret lies in ascendant for example for libra ascendant exalted Jupiter can give good results in career but for Gemini ascendant exalted Jupiter might give lot of problems because for libra ascendant it is benefic and for Gemini ascendant it is strong maraka planet. So, this is the big secret in prediction we need to predict every ascendant combination differently. There are 12 different ascendants from Aries to Pisces. Each planet behaves and act differently as they own different houses in horoscope for each ascendant. So, in this book I am describing fruitful yoga’s and spoilt yoga’s for all ascendants. Which planet can give raj yoga or benefic results and which planet can give negative results? In Vedic astrology analyzing every ascendant differently is the key to predict the horoscope.
This is one of my best presentation and I hope you will love reading it. Welcome to my world of Jyotish and divine knowledge.






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