Gott und Jesus Christus

Orientierungswissen Christologie

Sabine Pemsel-Maier

1 Bewertung

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Beschreibung zu „Gott und Jesus Christus“

The question of Jesus as the Christ leads to the heart of the Christian faith. At the same time, Christological themes present a particular challenge, not only because the personal confession to Christ escapes all mediation, but also because the Christological language of tradition is in many cases no longer understood and a translation is required. Because of this, there is a large temptation to restrict oneself to a seemingly easier >Jesusology<, instead of focusing on the central theological questions. In contrast, this work makes accesses to Christology possible, especially for a school context. It is oriented towards fundamental Christological themes, includes interpretations of children and young people gathered via empirical research collected and opens up didactic perspectives for teaching practice.

Über Sabine Pemsel-Maier

Prof. Dr. Peter Müller lehrt Neues Testament und Religionspädagogik an der PH Karlsruhe.


Kohlhammer Verlag




ca. 283





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