The Frobishers

Sabine Baring-Gould

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Beschreibung zu „The Frobishers“

Sabine Baring-Gould's novel 'The Frobishers' is a captivating tale set in the rugged and mysterious landscape of Dartmoor, known for its atmospheric moors and ancient legends. The story follows the Frobisher family, haunted by a curse that has plagued them for generations, as they navigate through love, betrayal, and redemption. Baring-Gould's descriptive writing style immerses the reader in the mythical world of the Frobishers, reminiscent of Gothic literature with a touch of romance and suspense. Sabine Baring-Gould, a 19th-century clergyman and folklorist, drew inspiration from the rich oral traditions of Dartmoor to create a compelling narrative that intertwines history, folklore, and family drama. His deep understanding of the region's folklore and history enriches the story, adding depth and authenticity to the characters and setting. Readers who enjoy atmospheric and suspenseful novels with a touch of the supernatural will find 'The Frobishers' a thrilling and immersive read that explores the power of family bonds and the consequences of past deeds.

Über Sabine Baring-Gould

Sabine Baring-Gould (1834-1924), a scholar, Reverend, and author, produced more than 1,240 publications during his lifetime! He is perhaps best known as a hymn writer (he wrote the hymns “Onward, Christian Soldiers” and “Now the Day is Over,” among many others), but he definitely considered his crowning achievement to be his collections of folk songs from the townspeople of Cornwall and Devon. His studies of folklore and folk music actually lead to the creation of The Book of Were-Wolves (1865), the book where “The Werewolf of the North” was originally published. The Book of Were-Wolves remains an important study of lycanthropy even today.


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