The Last Word is Love

My Path of Courage through War, Healing and Faith

Ruth Pfau

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Beschreibung zu „The Last Word is Love“

If life is an adventure, Ruth Pfau lived it. If love is possible, she proved it. Ruth started as an atheist student in post-war Germany and became a medical doctor and then part of the Order of the Daughters of the Heart of Mary. A visit to Karachi as a young sister started her on her way to dedicating her entire life to the people of Pakistan. Her life is a model of understanding how to live in a world of great diversity. This book is her last one. It is the testament of her life and a testament to the splendor of humanity.

Über Ruth Pfau

Ruth Pfau, Dr. med., geb. 1929 in Leipzig, seit 1960 Lepraärztin in Pakistan. 1981 erstmals im Untergrund in Afghanistan, wo sie einen Gesundheitsdienst aufbaute. 2002 Magsaysay-Award (»asiatischer Nobelpreis«), 2004 Goldmedaille des Albert-Schweitzer-Preises, 2005 Dönhoffpreis. Rupert Neudeck: »Sie ist meine Heldin in der Wirklichkeit, es gibt kaum eine größere.«

Rudolf Walter, Dr. phil., Cheflektor des Herder Verlags. Lebt in Freiburg i. Br.






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