Homemade Laundry Soap Detergents

Simple, Easy And Effective Green Cleaning Recipes For A Healthy Laundry

Rubynnia Blues

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Beschreibung zu „Homemade Laundry Soap Detergents“

Do You Want To Clean Your Clothes Without The Cost Of Store Bought Laundry Detergents?

Americans do loads of laundry, about eight a week on average using commercial detergents, which cost about 20 cents per load. This accumulates to $83 per year. If you prefer to save money and spend that $83 on other projects, try making your own laundry detergents.

Making your own laundry detergents is:

  1. Fun

  2. Easy

  3. Costs only pennies per wash load

Another thing: homemade laundry detergents smell like soap and not like the artificial fragrances added to store bought ones. So, it is good for people who are sensitive to fake scents.

Other topics covered in this book are:

  1. Benefits of line drying

  2. Energy saving tips in laundry room

  3. How to create an organized and efficient laundry room

  4. Way cool laundry rooms

  5. How to care for your washer (and dryer)

With natural homemade laundry cleaning products, your laundry is taken care of for a fraction of the cost in a non-toxic and safe way.

Download Your Copy And Watch Your Laundry Budget Drop!






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