Открытое Письмо К Болгарской Общественности

(о пенсионировании, бедности в Болгарии, нашем имидже, и другие вопросы)

Иванчо Йотата

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Beschreibung zu „Открытое Письмо К Болгарской Общественности“

This is one very big letter for all Bulgarians translated this time in Russian, which discusses some pension curiosities, advices to the pensioners, propositions for their bettering, meaning about the social policy in Bulgaria, about the fight with misery, again some ideas and propositions, meaning about the end of world capitalism, how to better our image before the world, and other topics. It is from an invented (yet literary) personage, but in reality from an ancestral intellectual, former scientific assistant, with 2.5 tertiary educations, received in 3 foreign countries, who knows 3.5 foreign languages, and for more than 25 year is unemployed, now at last pensioner. It has been published by NOT a single Bulgarian authority and for that reason I publish it now around the world. After an year I have translated it in Russian and German and have written one introductory material in English ("Hellow-Mellow") which explains what is in this Letter and many other things.


via tolino media




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