Dark Scar

A psychological Thriller. Dr. Evelin Wolf and Alex Gutenberg 2

Roxann Hill Paul Wagle

Hörbuch Romane Thriller

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Beschreibung zu „Dark Scar“

Death lurks in the shadows
Who are you? Hamburg Criminal Psychologist Dr. Evelin Wolf wonders as she examines the severely disturbed homeless man with the conspicuous scar across his face. The extremely aggressive man with no memory or identity is alleged to have committed a brutal murder. But Evelin and Assistant District Attorney Alex Gutenberg doubt his guilt and suspect there is something more behind the supposedly crystal-clear case.
Shortly thereafter, Hamburg is shaken by a series of murders unparalleled in cruelty and sadism. The perverted killer draws a bloody trail across the Hanseatic city and links it with a clear message to Alex and Evelin: Revenge.
Alex and Evelin work feverishly to solve both cases. In the process, they make a fatal mistake. And the killer exploits it mercilessly…

Gelesen von:

Rebecca Steinberg John Julian Nicholas Mockridge


Oetinger audio




12 Std. 42 Min.





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