Letter To My Grandchildren

The Living Universe

Ronald Simonar

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You are told that mathematics validates particle physics.

This is untrue. Literally no result in quantum physics relies on its brilliant math. Literally every result in quantum physics relies on the underlying web of unproven assumptions. For the uninitiated, correct math gives the appearance of legitimacy.
“To pretend to know when you do not know, is a decease”, said Lao-Tzu in 500BC, and science has not found a cure for that persistent ailment. We took our eye off the ball and allowed a new quantum religion to gain dominance.

The Primal Code allows your mind’s eye to fathom the duplicity of photon behavior at the speed of light. To watch gravity and the Strong Force in action and to appreciate the duality of mass and motion. You can follow the birth of a Hydrogen atom and Deuterium. You will realize why a corporeal electron cloud cannot orbit into a proton. Study our foundation up close in plain view, using common logic and kindergarten math.

After reading this letter, my grandchildren, I promise that you will understand how we came to be, and what we are. The only corporeal particles in our universe are primal atoms that breed and gather into globular composite structures. Understanding the primal atom and its coordinate system is a paramount task.

Physics is a discipline of physical thing. After a century without coherent quantum logic, mankind knows nothing about the inner workings of our universe, its invisible building blocks, and energy quanta. There are no physical particles in Quantum Particle Theories where particle presence is assumed by levels of field excitations. We are forced to calculate interactions on bases of infantile assumptions, agreed on by human mathematicians. The firm idea of physical particles is shunned, except by media for the masses. Curious students are told to shut up and calculate.

The Universe is not impressed by our trickeries. So, let’s go together on a fascinating trip of discovery.






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