PICNICS - Worldwide and Creative -

History, Tips, Ideas and Recipes

Roland W. Schulze

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Beschreibung zu „PICNICS - Worldwide and Creative -“

Who actually invented picnics: the English or the French? Neither of them, because the "ancient" Greeks already knew about picnics. The first descriptions of picnics were in the "Homer's Odyssey", about 800 years before Christ. Later, the Romans also adopted this leisure culture. The second great picnic boom actually took place about 200 years ago, during the reign of Queen Victoria of England, and also at almost the same time in France.

The content: What is special about picnics, as compared to many other leisure activities, such as barbecues, travel breaks or a short camping trip? How does picnicking function? What kind of equipment and information is needed? Why is it so much fun to share games and delicious food in a group outdoors, and how can how can this be improved for a more enjoyable experience?


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