The Uses of Pessimism

Roger Scruton


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Beschreibung zu „The Uses of Pessimism“

Scruton argues that the tragedies and disasters of the history of the European continent have been the consequences of a false optimism and the fallacies that derive from it. In place of these fallacies, Scruton mounts a passionate defence of both civil society and freedom. He shows that the true legacy of European civilisation is not the false idealisms that have almost destroyed it - in the shapes of Nazism, fascism and communism - but the culture of forgiveness and irony which we must now protect from those whom it offends. The Uses of Pessimism is a passionate plea for reason and responsibility, written at a time of profound change.

Über Roger Scruton

Roger Scruton, Jahrgang 1944, ist Publizist und Philosoph mit Lehraufträgen an der Blackfriars Hall in Oxford, dem American Enterprise Institute in Washington D.C. sowie der Universität St. Andrews. Bei Diederichs erschienen bereits Ich trinke, also bin ich – Eine philosophische Verführung zum Wein sowie Schönheit – Eine Ästhetik. Mit seiner Familie lebt Scruton im ländlichen Wiltshire.


Atlantic Books




ca. 177





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