Our Church

A Personal History of the Church of England

Roger Scruton

Religion & Glaube

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Beschreibung zu „Our Church“

For most people in England today, the church is simply the empty building at the end of the

road, visited for the first time, if at all, when dead. It offers its sacraments to a population that lives without rites of passage, and which regards the National Health Service rather than the National Church as its true spiritual guardian.

In Our Church, Scruton argues that the Anglican Church is the forlorn trustee of an architectural and artistic inheritance that remains one of the treasures of European civilization. He contends that it is a still point in the centre of English culture and that its defining texts, the King James Bible and the
Book of Common Prayer are the sources from which much of our national identity derives. At once an elegy to a vanishing world and a clarion call to recognize Anglicanism's continuing relevance, Our Church is a graceful and persuasive book.

Über Roger Scruton

Roger Scruton, Jahrgang 1944, ist Publizist und Philosoph mit Lehraufträgen an der Blackfriars Hall in Oxford, dem American Enterprise Institute in Washington D.C. sowie der Universität St. Andrews. Bei Diederichs erschienen bereits Ich trinke, also bin ich – Eine philosophische Verführung zum Wein sowie Schönheit – Eine Ästhetik. Mit seiner Familie lebt Scruton im ländlichen Wiltshire.


Atlantic Books




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