Green Philosophy

How to think seriously about the planet

Roger Scruton

Natur & Reise

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Beschreibung zu „Green Philosophy“

The environment has long been the undisputed territory of the political Left, which has seen the principal threats to the earth as issuing from international capitalism, consumerism and the over-exploitation of natural resources. In Green Philosophy, Scruton argues that conservatism is far better suited to tackle environmental problems than either liberalism or socialism. He shows that rather than entrusting the environment to unwieldy NGOs and international committees, we must assume personal responsibility and foster local sovereignty. People must be empowered to take charge of their environment, to care for it as a home, and to affirm themselves through the kind of local associations that have been the traditional goal of conservative politics. Our common future is by no means assured, but as Roger Scruton clearly demonstrates in this important book, there is a path that we can take which could ensure the future safety of our planet and our species.

Über Roger Scruton

Roger Scruton, Jahrgang 1944, ist Publizist und Philosoph mit Lehraufträgen an der Blackfriars Hall in Oxford, dem American Enterprise Institute in Washington D.C. sowie der Universität St. Andrews. Bei Diederichs erschienen bereits Ich trinke, also bin ich – Eine philosophische Verführung zum Wein sowie Schönheit – Eine Ästhetik. Mit seiner Familie lebt Scruton im ländlichen Wiltshire.


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