The Law of the Pentagram

An Alchemist Handbook for Magic and Divination Using the Application of Spiritual Codes and the Law of Attraction

Robin Sacredfire


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Beschreibung zu „The Law of the Pentagram“

Are you ready to unlock the secrets of the universe and harness the power of magic? Look no further than "The Law of the Pentagram: An Alchemist Handbook for Magic and Divination Using the Application of Spiritual Codes and the Law of Attraction."
In this captivating and enlightening book, you will uncover the hidden dynamics of life and gain the ability to analyze the past and predict future outcomes in any situation. By understanding the alchemical rules that govern our world and how they manifest in our reality, you will attain a higher consciousness and take control of your actions.
Discover the profound interconnectedness of opposites like good and evil, past and future, heart and mind. You'll learn that success and failure are not merely the result of chance, but rather the culmination of our decisions and desires.
"The Law of the Pentagram" delves into ancient religious principles to reveal the true nature of reality and our role in shaping it. Drawing on symbols and structures that span generations, this book unveils the power of logic, will, and love in creating and observing magic.
Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or new to the world of magic and divination, this book is a must-read. It will ignite your curiosity, challenge your beliefs, and empower you to live a life filled with purpose and intention.
With "The Law of the Pentagram," you will:
- Broaden your understanding of the alchemical rules that govern life
- Gain the ability to predict future outcomes and make informed decisions
- Expand your consciousness and take control of your actions
- Explore the profound interconnectedness of opposites
- Embrace the power of logic, will, and love in your magical practice
- Access ancient religious principles for personal growth and transformation
- Discover your true potential and live a life of purpose and intention
Join the ranks of those who have unlocked the secrets of the universe. Don't miss out on the opportunity to delve into the world of magic and divination.

Buy "The Law of the Pentagram" now and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.


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