
Richard Hannay Returns

Robert J. Harris


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Beschreibung zu „Redfalcon“

Richard Hannay Returns.
JULY, 1942.
Once again veteran adventurer Richard Hannay is called into action on a mission that will test him as never before. At stake is the fate of the beleaguered island of Malta where Hannay's son is stationed as a fighter pilot. The German master spy Ravenstein has stumbled upon a centuries old secret which will give the Nazis the key to conquering Malta and so take control of the entire Mediterranean.
To stop them, Hannay and his allies the Gorbals Diehards must track down the mysterious Karrie Adriatis, who alone knows the nature of the ancient secret. The quest takes them on a perilous journey from Gibraltar, to Casablanca, to the Atlas Mountains of Morocco, and finally on to Malta itself. Here Hannay and Ravenstein come face to face in a battle that will determine the future of the war.
Before James Bond, before Indiana Jones, fiction's greatest action hero was Richard Hannay, who first appeared in John Buchan's classic thriller The Thirty- Nine Steps. Robert J. Harris has now revived Richard Hannay in a thrilling adventure series in the tradition of John Buchan and Alistair Maclean.






ca. 215





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