Mistakes of Moses

Robert Green Ingersoll

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Beschreibung zu „Mistakes of Moses“

In Robert Green Ingersoll's 'Mistakes of Moses,' the author critiques and challenges the religious doctrines and narrative found in the Bible, particularly regarding the character of Moses. Through a critical and analytical lens, Ingersoll dissects the inconsistencies, contradictions, and scientific inaccuracies present in the Old Testament, shedding light on his skepticism towards organized religion. Written in a persuasive and confrontational style, Ingersoll's work stands out as a bold and unapologetic indictment of dogma and superstition in favor of reason and rationality. In the context of late 19th-century America, 'Mistakes of Moses' stirred controversy and sparked debates on the role of religion in society, making it a significant piece of literature in the freethought movement. Robert Green Ingersoll, known as 'The Great Agnostic,' was a prominent orator and advocate for secularism and humanism. His background as a lawyer and political figure influenced his critical approach to religion, evident in his relentless pursuit of truth and intellectual freedom. I recommend 'Mistakes of Moses' to readers interested in exploring the intersections of religion, philosophy, and skepticism, as well as those seeking a thought-provoking read on the limitations of faith and the power of reason.


Good Press




ca. 155





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