Unleavened Bread

Robert Grant

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Beschreibung zu „Unleavened Bread“

Robert Grant's novel Unleavened Bread explores the complexities of society and morality in early 20th-century America. Through a captivating narrative, Grant delves into the life of protagonist Selma White, a young woman thrust into a world of social expectations and personal desires. Set against the backdrop of a rapidly changing society, the novel skillfully navigates themes of self-discovery, societal norms, and the struggle for individual identity. Grant's lyrical prose and keen eye for detail immerse readers in Selma's world, inviting them to reflect on their own place in society. Unleavened Bread is a poignant and thought-provoking exploration of the human experience, making it a timeless piece of literature. Robert Grant's own background as a prominent social critic and novelist lends authenticity and depth to the novel, enhancing its relevance to readers seeking a deeper understanding of societal norms and individual agency. I highly recommend Unleavened Bread to readers interested in thought-provoking literary works that challenge societal conventions and explore the complexities of human nature.


Good Press




ca. 356





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