PIRATE'S VENGEANCE – 3 Adventure Classics in One Volume

The Isle of Pirate's Doom, Black Vulmea & Swords of the Red Brotherhood - Historical Novels: Notorious Buccaneers of the Caribbean

Robert E. Howard

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Beschreibung zu „PIRATE'S VENGEANCE – 3 Adventure Classics in One Volume“

This carefully crafted ebook: "PIRATE'S VENGEANCE – 3 Adventure Classics in One Volume: The Isle of Pirate's Doom, Black Vulmea & Swords of the Red Brotherhood" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents.
Pirate's Vengeance is a collection of historical novels that tell the tale of most notorious Caribbean pirates. Swords of the Red Brotherhood, features Terence Vulmea, aka Black Vulmea, who was born a 17th Century Irish peasant, and carried his vendetta with the English oppressors of his country to the waters of the Caribbean. The Isle of Pirate's Doom is a Helen Tavrel Story, a female pirate of the Caribbean.
Robert Howard (1906-1936) was an American author who wrote pulp fiction in a diverse range of genres. He is well known for his character Conan the Barbarian and is regarded as the father of the sword and sorcery subgenre.






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