Iron Shadows in the Moon

Robert E. Howard

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Beschreibung zu „Iron Shadows in the Moon“

Robert E. Howard's 'Iron Shadows in the Moon' is a gripping collection of sword and sorcery tales that showcase the author's mastery of the genre. The book is filled with action-packed adventures, fantastical creatures, and strong female characters, set against the backdrop of Howard's vivid and atmospheric prose. Drawing inspiration from ancient myths and legends, Howard weaves a captivating narrative that will transport readers to a world of danger and excitement. 'Iron Shadows in the Moon' is a must-read for fans of classic fantasy literature, offering an immersive and thrilling reading experience. Robert E. Howard, known for creating the iconic character Conan the Barbarian, brings his unique storytelling style to this collection, showcasing his talent for crafting compelling stories that continue to captivate readers. Through his vivid imagination and creative world-building, Howard establishes himself as a pioneer of the sword and sorcery genre, influencing generations of writers to come. Readers looking for a thrilling and immersive fantasy read will find 'Iron Shadows in the Moon' to be an exciting and enthralling journey into the world of adventure and heroism.


Good Press




ca. 35





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