Black Wind Blowing

Robert E. Howard

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Beschreibung zu „Black Wind Blowing“

In Robert E. Howard's 'Black Wind Blowing', readers are immersed in a riveting collection of his dark and atmospheric tales set in the American South. Brimming with a sense of impending doom and supernatural elements, Howard's prose is both evocative and intense, capturing the essence of southern gothic literature. Each story is intricately woven with themes of power, corruption, and the unknown, making it a gripping read for fans of both horror and historical fiction. Howard's vivid descriptions and fast-paced narratives showcase his mastery of storytelling and make 'Black Wind Blowing' a compelling and thought-provoking book in the realm of speculative fiction. Howard's background in pulp fiction and fascination with the occult likely influenced the creation of this eerie and mesmerizing collection, offering readers a unique perspective on the darker aspects of American folklore and history. Fans of gothic fiction, supernatural tales, and mystery will find 'Black Wind Blowing' to be a captivating and thrilling exploration of the unknown.


Good Press




ca. 25





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