The American Flower Garden Directory

Containing Practical Directions for the Culture of Plants, in the Hot-House, Garden-House, Flower Garden and Rooms or Parlours, for Every Month in the Year

Robert Buist

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Beschreibung zu „The American Flower Garden Directory“

Robert Buist's 'The American Flower Garden Directory' is a comprehensive guide to designing and maintaining a beautiful garden in the 19th century America. The book not only provides detailed descriptions of various flowers, their cultivation, and blooming seasons but also offers practical tips on garden layout and design. Buist's writing style is precise and informative, making it a valuable resource for both experienced gardeners and beginners alike. The book reflects the growing interest in horticulture during the early 19th century and showcases the author's expertise in the field. Buist's attention to detail and passion for flowers shine through in every page, making the book an engaging read for anyone interested in gardening or botanical history. With its timeless advice and beautiful illustrations, 'The American Flower Garden Directory' is a must-have for garden enthusiasts looking to create their own piece of floral paradise.


Good Press




ca. 284





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