A Prince of Good Fellows

Robert Barr

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Beschreibung zu „A Prince of Good Fellows“

In Robert Barr's novel 'A Prince of Good Fellows,' readers are transported to the bustling streets of late 19th-century London, where the protagonist, a charming and resourceful young man named Dick, navigates the city's social hierarchies with wit and humor. The book's playful and engaging narrative style reflects Barr's keen observation of the human condition and satirical take on societal norms. With intricate plot twists and vivid characters, 'A Prince of Good Fellows' is a delightful blend of comedy and social commentary, offering readers a glimpse into the complexities of Victorian society. Barr's skillful storytelling and rich character development make this novel a captivating read for fans of classic literature and historical fiction. Recommended for those interested in exploring themes of class, identity, and personal growth in a bygone era.


Good Press




ca. 191





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