Code Three

Rick Raphael

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Beschreibung zu „Code Three“

FREEWAYS TO HELL Ben Martin and Clay Ferguson have got a tough job. In Car 56 -- "Beulah" -- they patrol the super-highways of a future that might have been. Along with Medical-Surgical Officer Kelly Lightfoot, they help keep an insane road system as safe as possible. Here is a startling and excitingly realistic portrait of regular folks in a future extrapolated from a time when technology was changing at an explosive rate. What if highways just got bigger and bigger, cars faster and faster? How could such be patrolled, when crashes, jams and road rage are the norm? The answer is an elite paramilitary corp. These dedicated officers, trying to keep reign on a crazed vehicle culture with sixty foot long tank-like patrol cars with 25mm cannon, cranes and full medical suites. Nominated for a Hugo Award, Code Three is a gripping tale for all fans of "If This Go On" stories.


Ozymandias Press




ca. 64





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