Making Time for Strategy

How to be Less Busy and More Successful

Richard Medcalf

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Beschreibung zu „Making Time for Strategy“

Your future success as a leader depends on your ability to extract yourself from operational minutiae and make time for strategic activity.

If you’re having trouble getting out of the weeds, you don’t need a new productivity trick. You need to begin a deeper leadership journey to address four core factors – Tactics, Influence, Mindset and Environment (T.I.M.E.).

Richard Medcalf, an advisor to some of the world’s most accomplished CEOs, reveals the secrets to becoming a more strategic leader, and offers a complete set of strategies to help you elevate your focus. Learn how to:

clarify on your most important strategic activities

build a robust plan to quickly free up time

win over your key stakeholders

address the beliefs that are keeping you in busywork

create a culture of focus across your entire team

and much more.

Making TIME for Strategy will radically change how you think about your path to leadership impact, and give you practical tools to move you away from incremental progress and closer to breakthrough results.






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