Historical Record of the Eighteenth, or the Royal Irish Regiment of Foot

Containing an Account of the Formation of the Regiment in 1684, and of Its Subsequent Services to 1848

Richard Cannon

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Beschreibung zu „Historical Record of the Eighteenth, or the Royal Irish Regiment of Foot“

Richard Cannon's 'Historical Record of the Eighteenth, or the Royal Irish Regiment of Foot' is a meticulous and comprehensive account of the regiment's history, from its formation in 1684 to its disbandment in 1922. Cannon's writing style is formal and authoritative, providing readers with a detailed examination of the regiment's campaigns, battles, and key figures. The book is a valuable resource for military historians and enthusiasts interested in the British Army's role in various conflicts during the 18th and 19th centuries. Cannon's attention to detail and extensive research make this work a definitive source on the Royal Irish Regiment of Foot. The book includes maps, illustrations, and appendices that enhance the reader's understanding of the regiment's rich history. Richard Cannon, a renowned military historian and former British Army officer, brings his expertise and firsthand knowledge to this compelling narrative. His passion for military history and dedication to preserving the historical record of the British Army shine through in this meticulously researched book. I highly recommend 'Historical Record of the Eighteenth, or the Royal Irish Regiment of Foot' to anyone interested in delving into the military history of the British Army and the Royal Irish Regiment.


Good Press




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