As a Thief in the Night

Richard Austin Freeman

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Beschreibung zu „As a Thief in the Night“

In Richard Austin Freeman's 'As a Thief in the Night,' readers are taken on a thrilling journey through a carefully crafted mystery novel that showcases the author's keen attention to detail and fast-paced storytelling. Set in the early 20th century, the book follows the adventures of Dr. John Thorndyke, a brilliant detective who uses his scientific expertise to solve perplexing crimes. Freeman's writing style is characterized by its intricate plot development and cleverly hidden clues that keep readers guessing until the very end. This novel is a prime example of the golden age of detective fiction, where the genre reached new heights of popularity and sophistication. Fans of classic mysteries will delight in the thought-provoking puzzles and clever twists that Freeman expertly weaves throughout the narrative. As a prominent figure in the genre, Freeman's deep understanding of human nature and meticulous attention to detail shine through in 'As a Thief in the Night,' making it a must-read for any avid mystery enthusiast looking for a truly engaging and intellectually stimulating read.


Good Press




ca. 255





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