Today We Die a Little

Richard Askwith

Hörbuch Romane Krimis

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Beschreibung zu „Today We Die a Little“

Emil Zátopek won five Olympic medals, set 18 world records, and went undefeated over 10,000 metres for six years. He redefined the boundaries of endurance, but his toughness was matched by a spirit of friendship and a joie de vivre that transcended the darkest days of the Cold War. His triumphs put his country on the map, yet when Soviet tanks moved in to crush Czechoslovakia's new freedoms in 1968, Zátopek paid a heavy price for his defence of 'socialism with a human face'. Rehabilitated two decades later, the world had all but forgotten him. Today We Die a Little strips away the myths to tell the complex and deeply moving story of the most inspiring Olympic hero of them all.

Gelesen von:

Richard Askwith


Isis Audio




12 Std. 38 Min.





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