Feet in the Clouds

The Classic Tale of Fell-Running and Obsession

Richard Askwith

Hörbuch Romane Krimis

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Beschreibung zu „Feet in the Clouds“

An inspiring insight into one of the oldest extreme sports, this is the definitive story of fell-running. This is a complete portrait of one of the few sports to have remained utterly true to its roots. Richard Askwith's journey takes him into a world of forbidding rockscapes, horizontal rain, fear, exhaustion and stunning natural beauty, as well as his own attempt at one of the toughest challenges imaginable: the Bob Graham Round, the sport's traditional test of 42 Lake District peaks in 24 hours. Gripping, funny and moving, this is a story that any aspiring runner, endurance athlete or mountain-lover will understand well: of extremity, heroism and the experience of a lifetime.

Gelesen von:

Richard Askwith


Isis Audio




14 Std. 2 Min.





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