Reincarnated as the Piggy Duke: This Time I’m Gonna Tell Her How I Feel! Volume 10

Rhythm Aida


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Beschreibung zu „Reincarnated as the Piggy Duke: This Time I’m Gonna Tell Her How I Feel! Volume 10“

Slowe thought he left House Denning behind him when he chose to become the blackhearted Piggy Duke. He walked away from his family, his knights, his reputation—all for the sake of the girl he loved. Even so, those days feel like a distant memory as, driven by his feelings for Charlotte, Slowe has proven his merit time and again. Everyone regards him highly now, so at last, he can bury the Piggy Duke persona for good...

That is, until his past comes back to haunt him. The arrival of his sister and a new potential retainer is only the beginning. He’s also reunited with his father, Balderoy Denning, who drags Slowe into a new battle he can’t afford to lose—a battle that may win him true freedom should he emerge victorious. Freedom from the expectations of House Denning. Freedom to be with whoever he wants. Whether this is a blessing or a burden isn’t yet clear, but Slowe’s sure of one thing... He’s willing to wager everything he has for a place by Charlotte’s side, just like he once did many years ago.


J-Novel Club




ca. 188





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