The Killing Men

Someone is killing murderers, rapists, drug runners and crooked cops!

Reece Pocock

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Beschreibung zu „The Killing Men“

If you like #Lee Child’s #Jack Reacher, #Michael Connelly’s #Harry Bosch, #James Patterson’s #James Cross, you will love #Reece Pocock’s #Dan Brennan.
In this ebook crime thriller, a killer is on the loose. A task force headed by Detective Sergeant Dan Brennan is on the case to solve the mystery.
All the victims are criminals; murderers, rapists, drug runners and crooked cops, all previously set free by the authorities, a vigilante has decided to do what the police and the judiciary can’t. And soon the newspapers report ‘hoodymen’ killings in other states and the suspense begins about who the killer could be.
What begins as a routine murder investigation becomes a national crisis, and Brennan’s task takes him to the highest levels of the army and the government, revealing deep secrets, conspiracy, corruption and ruthlessness.
The war begins.
After an assassination attempt, Brennan realises he is in a fight for his own life.
Brennan falls in love, Tracy his lover has a baby, and they get married.
In The Killing Men, Reece Pocock presents his third Dan Brennan novel.






ca. 237





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