The Death of Porn

Men of Integrity Building a World of Nobility

Ray Ortlund

Hörbuch Sachbuch Religion & Glaube

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Beschreibung zu „The Death of Porn“

ECPA Christian Book Award Finalist
Your Battle against Porn Isn't about Porn. It's about Hope.
Pornography may seem inescapable, but God can free us from its destructive power. The gospel replaces the dehumanizing lies of pornography with this surprising truth: God created us as royalty. How then can we reclaim our God-given identity to take a stand against—and ultimately starve—the predatory porn industry?
In The Death of Porn, Ray Ortlund writes six personal letters, as from a father to his son. Ideal for individuals and small groups, it will give hope to men who have been misled by porn into devaluing themselves and others. Through Scripture and personal stories, Ortlund assures readers that God loves them the most tenderly in their moments of deepest shame. The Death of Porn inspires men to come together in new ways to fight the injustice of porn and build a world of nobility for every man and woman—for the sake of future generations.

Gelesen von:

Ray Ortlund






3 Std. 51 Min.





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