Basic Level of Dental Resins - Material Science & Technology

4th Edition, 2nd Version

Ralf Janda

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Beschreibung zu „Basic Level of Dental Resins - Material Science & Technology“

Resin materials are broadly used in dentistry for almost all indications, and they will gain even more importance in the future. Especially, the increasing performance and efficiency of the CAD/CAM technology and 3D-printing open possibilities to use resins not used up to now in dentistry. Besides dentists, dental students or dental technicians, there are many other specialists such as researchers, material scientists, industrial developers or experts of adjoining professional disciplines who are technically engaged in dental resins. The idea of this e-Book series is to present a three-level textbook consisting of "Basic Level", "Advanced Level" and "Expert Level" versions dealing with material science and technology of dental resins. Every level significantly expands the information and knowledge given by the respective preceding version. This book presents the "Basic Level" version. The "Basic Level" version especially addresses dentists, dental students, dental technicians, university teachers and all those who want to gain an overview about dental resins such as industrial developers or researchers of adjoining professional disciplines. The "Basic Level" gives a comprehensive insight into chemistry, physics, toxicology, material properties and compositions as well as the technical application of dental resins.






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