Reminiscences of the Civil War, 1861-1865

Preston Lafayette Ledford

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Beschreibung zu „Reminiscences of the Civil War, 1861-1865“

Preston Lafayette Ledford's 'Reminiscences of the Civil War, 1861-1865' is a poignant and detailed account of his experiences as a soldier during one of the most tumultuous periods in American history. Written in a straightforward and vivid style, Ledford provides a firsthand look at the battles, struggles, and emotions that defined the Civil War era. His personal anecdotes and reflections offer a unique perspective on the human cost of war, making this book a valuable historical document. Set against the backdrop of a divided nation, Ledford's writing captures the complexities of loyalty, sacrifice, and patriotism that were central to the Civil War narrative. This memoir is a powerful reminder of the impact of war on individuals and society, making it essential reading for anyone interested in this period of American history.


Good Press




ca. 73





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