A Psychological Novel

Prentice Mulford

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Beschreibung zu „THE SWAMP ANGEL“

"The Swamp Angel" is the first novel and one of the early works of Prentice Mulford. The novel is written in first person and tells the story of a man who is determined to build a house in the woods and lives there alone. As the building goes on, he asks some deep philosophical and psychological questions and tries to give the answers. He finally ends up in failure and realizes man should not be alone.
Prentice Mulford (1834-1891) was a noted literary humorist, comic lecturer, author of poems and essays, and a columnist. He was also instrumental in the founding of the popular philosophy, New Thought, along with other notable writers including Ralph Waldo Emerson. Mulford's book, Thoughts are Things served as a guide to this new belief system and is still popular today. He also coined the term Law of Attraction.

Über Prentice Mulford

Prentice Mulford (1834-1891) war ein US-amerikanischer Journalist, Philosoph und Schriftsteller, der als einer der bedeutendsten Vertreter der Neugeist-Bewegung gilt. Er verbrachte sein Leben mit verschiedenen Tätigkeiten. Seine Bücher vertrieb er ohne Verlag und ohne Werbung: Mundpropaganda genügte ihm, um weltweit gelesen zu werden.

Bei dotbooks erschien von Prentice Mulford „Meisterschaft des Lebens".

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