Things I like about America

Tales of an American Drifter

Poe Ballantine

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Beschreibung zu „Things I like about America“

Poe Ballantine, nomad and writer, has travelled America for three decades. A man more used to dropping out than clocking in, he has cooked in eighteen restaurants, worked over seventy menial jobs and done every drug in the book, subsisting for most of his adult life on four-hundred dollars a month. In Things I Like About America, Ballantine chronicles the down and outs, the little people and the nowhere towns he encountered along the way. These are surprising, beautifully written true stories that vibrate with longing and hope. Some will make you laugh out loud, others will break your heart. Together, they paint an unforgettable portrait of life on the bottom rung of modern America.


Old Street Publishing




ca. 191





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