Written Spanish: idea and drafting

Proposals for writing workshop

Pilar Úcar Ventura María Antonia Olalla Marañón

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Beschreibung zu „Written Spanish: idea and drafting“

This text presents an explanatory synthesis of the main competence tools needed to create a written message in its different forms or models, while at the same time indicates not only correct linguistic patterns, but also the main mistakes made in writing, which have to be avoided for a precise essay.

Outlines and mind maps are presented together with theoretical concepts, to try to sum up, as a graphic synthesis, the main steps to achieve correct communication in the writing process.

Writing is not a survival tool, but a social value, especially in university and business worlds. More and more, graduates are asked for good writing skills, not only for their job interviews, but also for their future professional careers.


Universidad Pontificia Comillas




ca. 69





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