Cello Practice

Guidelines & Testimonials about self learning

Philippe Malgrat

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Beschreibung zu „Cello Practice“

This guide is intented for adult music loverswho want to learn to play an instrument avoiding as much as possible theoretical academic lessons. It is mostly a collection of useful information, adapted to the present time, to learn cello playing by your own after a few preliminary lessons. Then, after one or two years of practice, you will reach a sufficient level to approach the baroque German, French and Italian repertoire as well as pieces of variety, what I did. You can even play at home with a virtual accompaniment that will adapt to your rhythm, fruit of the latest research of IRCAM (French Research Institute of Music).
This guide includes practical considerations, often unknown, such as the transport of your instrument by plane, the free and legal downloading of scores, the sites where to find a teacher who will come to your home. For a total monthly budget of less than $ 100 for the first three months, including the first lessons, all this is accessible to you !


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