The Harrier Story

Peter R March


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Beschreibung zu „The Harrier Story“

The 'Jump-jet' was the world's first vertical/short take-off and landing (VSTOL) operational jet aircraft. Developed using the revolutionary Pegasus engine, the Harrier has served the RAF and US Marine Corps well for over 30 years. Here, vividly told, is the fascinating story from tentative hovering by the Hawker P1127 in 1960 to today's frontline Harrier GR9 and AV-8B warplanes. A naval version, the Sea Harrier, entered service with the Royal Navy in 1979. Alongside the RAF Harrier it saw action in the Falklands War in 1982. More recently, Harriers have seen combat over Kosovo, Bosnia and Iraq. In the USA, a license-built version (the AV8-A/B) equips the US Marine Corps and is in service today in Iraq. Harriers also equip air forces in Spain and Thailand. This competitively priced, full colour hardback is packed with clear and accessible information and is the latest in a series including The Concorde Story and The Spitfire Story.


The History Press




ca. 42





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