Major Warburton's Explorations in 1866

Peter Egerton Warburton

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Beschreibung zu „Major Warburton's Explorations in 1866“

Peter Egerton Warburton's 'Major Warburton's Explorations in 1866' is a detailed account of Major Warburton's journey through the uncharted territories of Australia in 1866. Warburton's narrative is both informative and engaging, filled with vivid descriptions of the harsh landscape and encounters with indigenous peoples. The book is written in a straightforward and descriptive style, reflecting the scientific and exploratory nature of the expedition. Warburton's exploration serves as a valuable historical record of the Australian Outback, shedding light on the challenges faced by early European colonizers. Warburton's meticulous attention to detail and commitment to accuracy make this book a must-read for history buffs and anyone interested in the exploration of Australia's interior. Peter Egerton Warburton's expertise as an explorer and his dedication to documenting Major Warburton's journey make this book a valuable contribution to the field of Australian exploration literature.


Good Press




ca. 31





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