Role of Alexander Dubchek

Pavel Rybák

Politik & Gesellschaft

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Beschreibung zu „Role of Alexander Dubchek“

By approaching sad anniversary on August 21, I decided to write some of my thoughts about socialism with a human face and its consequences in our country.

The happenings in the Socialist Republic of Czechoslovakia at the end of the 60s in the last century, are pulled into the media after the revolution of quite incomprehensible reasons in doubt. Some politicians and experts have tendencies, just rewrite this passage of national history.

It’s the same in the case of the leading figure of the »Prague Spring 1968« Alexander Dubcek, the first secretary of the KSC. He was a man who got international recognition for his reforms in the Communist Party. For example, in 1988 he was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University in Bolognia.

In the Czech Republic and Slovakia he is ridiculed. I try to describe its role in the period of its activities with an objective view. So from January 1968 until April 1969 (up to his self-criticism and resignation from the leadership position).






ca. 6





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