The Rescue Princesses: The Secret Promise

Paula Harrison


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Beschreibung zu „The Rescue Princesses: The Secret Promise“

Friendship, animals and secret royal adventures! With over one million Rescue Princesses titles sold, this action-packed series is the perfect combination of good friends, beautiful dresses, ninja moves and baby animals!
Princess Emily is excited about her first Grand Ball, but she'd rather be on the zip wire in the castle grounds than trying on dresses. Her three friends feel the same, so they slip out after dinner. The zip wire is fun! But things take a serious turn when the girls find a trapped deer in the forest. Who would do such an awful thing, and why?
From Paula Harrison, author of the Kitty and the Moonlight Rescue series. With short chapters and beautifully illustrated throughout, the Rescue Princesses series is perfect for readers aged seven and up. Related activity sheets are available on the Nosy Crow website.
Check out the other titles in this series: The Wishing Pearl, The Moonlight Mystery, The Rainbow Opal and many more!


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