The History of the Devil and the Idea of Evil From the Earliest Times to the Present Day

Paul Carus

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Beschreibung zu „The History of the Devil and the Idea of Evil From the Earliest Times to the Present Day“

THIS WORLD OF OURS is a world of opposites. There is light and shade, there is heat and cold, there is good and evil, there is God and the Devil. This massive work presents a history of evil and its various personifications throughout the centuries. The research which author conducted is of commendable depth and breadth, and the author recasts an anthropomorphic demon as the ultimate symbol of the potential for evil within humans themselves. This is a history book of some repute, and recommended for those who have an interest in the principles of good and evil as well as their etiologies.
Good and Evil as Religious Ideas
Devil Worship
Ancient Egypt
Accad and the Early Semites
Persian Dualism
Brahmanism and Hinduism
The Dawn of a New Era.
Early Christianity
The Idea of Salvation in Greece and Italy.
The Demonology of Northern Europe
The Devil's Prime.
The Inquisition
The Age of the Reformation
The Abolition of Witch-Prosecution
In Verse and Fable
The Philosophical Problem of Good and Evil






ca. 308





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