With Personal OKR and Personal Kanban to Your Success

Use Leading Methods From Business For Your Professional or Private Success

Patrick Niven

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Beschreibung zu „With Personal OKR and Personal Kanban to Your Success“

"Many of us have a desire to achieve certain goals. Goals in a professional, personal, family or any other context. Opportunities abound. Nevertheless, we often give them away. This happens in the majority of cases not because we have another, more important or more attractive goal, nor because we are lazy. Many of us are very diligent and work really hard. Nevertheless, success eludes us completely or at least partially. In most cases, this is not due to a lack of ability, but because we do not choose the appropriate approaches to achieve our goals.

The combination of Personal OKR and Personal Kanban has advanced me personally and professionally over the past few years.

This book can also offer you the opportunity to safely achieve your own personal goals step by step. With it, I would like to make my contribution to making our society and the lives of my readership better, more successful and happier." - The author


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