Regina v Brown

Parliament of the United Kingdom

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Beschreibung zu „Regina v Brown“

Regina v Brown is a pivotal legal case that delves into the complexities of criminal law and human behavior. Written in a clear and concise style, this book provides a detailed analysis of the case and its implications on the legal system of the United Kingdom. The author skillfully navigates the intricate legal arguments presented in the case, offering valuable insights into the principles of criminal liability and the limits of individual autonomy. By exploring the nuances of the case, readers are able to gain a deeper understanding of the legal issues at play, prompting critical thinking and intellectual engagement. Regina v Brown stands out for its scholarly approach and comprehensive coverage of a landmark legal decision. As such, it serves as an essential resource for students, academics, and legal professionals seeking to enhance their knowledge of criminal law and legal reasoning. Its relevance extends beyond the courtroom, making it a must-read for anyone interested in the intersection of law, ethics, and society.


Good Press




ca. 84





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